Pricing Options

A variety of purchasing options are available to make knowledge transfer cost effective for you and your organisation

Training Credit options

Purchase up front and save

This option is perfect for those who wish to purchase training in advance at a discounted rate. Courses can be booked by employees using a simple voucher system. Flat rate applied to all courses meaning fantastic discounts available

Training Subscriptions


This option is perfect for those who wish to educate larger teams. Full access is provided to the self learning content within our LMS. Trainer based courses can be booked by employees using a simple voucher system. Discounted rates applied to all courses meaning fantastic discounts available. All live courses charged at a flat rate of £150. The number of live training places included within the subscription will depend upon the subscription level chosen.

Custom Training

Bespoke training tailored to your company needs

This option is available for those who wish to create dedicated courses, specific to their particular project needs. This service aims to work with you to design and deliver courses specifically for you.

Want to find out more?

Request a call with one of our digital workplace experts and see how training can work for you