Optimising your site structure & creating a Business Management System (BMS)

Get a full understanding of how to structure your Oak site and create an efficient document storage solution.

This course is focused on helping those responsible for creating and managing your site structure have a clear understanding of the mechanics available for building your Oak site. Naturally we’ll be exploring the elements of site structure and how to get that structure working for you in the form of a business management system.

We’ll touch upon the security permissions where you control who can see your content, before moving on to look at how to populate your document storage solution with files and explore how to efficiently display the information on simple yet effective homepages.

Delivered in an online setting the topics are split into easy to digest chapters with lessons of between 5 and 20 mins in length. This course will give you a great understanding of the ways in which you can create site structure and use it to create a one-stop shop for all your business documentation needs.

The core elements of this course include...
  • Site Structure

    An in depth look at how to structure your site for the content you have available.

  • Business Management System (BMS)

    How to create a structure to support your content.

  • Security Roles

    Understand how to control who has the permissions to see your content.

  • Uploading Existing Files

    Populating your BMS with content you already have.

  • Homepages

    Designing simple homepages to display your structured content.

Who would find this course useful?

  • Administrators who have day to day responsibility for ensuring your Oak Digital Workplace operates efficiently

  • Area Stakeholders who have day to day responsibility for an area of your Oak Digital Workplace

  • Anyone who has day to day responsibility for adding content to your Oak Digital Workplace

Course Overview

  • 1


    • Welcome to the course

    • How to interact with this course

    • Course Objectives

  • 2

    Site structure

    • Site structure overview

    • Creating areas

    • Managing areas

    • Considering your information architecture

    • Core concepts

    • Key learning points

    • Knowledge check: Site structure

  • 3

    Business Management System

    • Overview of a Business Management System (BMS)

    • Creating the structure for a BMS

    • Uploading documents

    • Displaying the content in your BMS

    • Key learning points

    • Knowledge check: BMS

  • 4

    Further learning

    • Visit the Oak Knowledge Base

  • 5

    How did we do?

    • Before you go...

    • Help us improve by sharing your thoughts...