
Create visually appealing, multipage content your readers are going to love

In this course, we'll take you through how to get the publication feature set up within your site and provide you will a full understanding of how to use the publication functionality in Oak. Walking you through creating a brand new publication, creating your first issue and take a quick look at the ways you might choose to promote your publication issues to your users.

Delivered in an online setting, the topics are split into easy to digest chapters with lessons about 5 mins in length. This course will teach you everything you need to know to start utilising the publication feature.

The core elements of this course include...
Screenshots from the Oak product showcasing publication feature
  • Getting Started

    Find out how to enable the application and set the security permissions to control who is able to see publications in a specific area

  • Building Publications

    Learn how to create and build up an issue within a publication, using the range of presentation options available

  • Visibility

    Take a look at ways to get your publication issues seen in your site

Who would find this course useful?

  • Content Authors Anyone who has day to day responsibility for adding content to your Oak Digital Workplace

  • Anyone who has an interest in creating interactive and engaging content

Course Overview

  • 1


    • Welcome to the course

    • How to interact with this course

    • Course objectives

  • 2

    Publication feature review

    • Publication overview

    • Enabling publication

    • Creating the publication placeholder

    • Creating an issue

    • Publishing options

    • Advertising your content

    • Publication on mobile

    • Inspirational ideas

  • 3

    Further learning

    • Key learning points

    • Knowledge check: Content creation

    • Visit the Oak Knowledge Base

  • 4

    How did we do?

    • Before you go...

    • Help us improve by sharing your thoughts...