Oak Overview

The basic information that we recommend all users should know about their Oak site.

This short course is aimed at providing everyday users of Oak with an insight into the basic elements of the product. We’ll take you through the key features to help familiarise you with the product and provide a sound knowledge to apply to using your version of Oak every day.

Delivered in an online setting the topics are split into easy to digest chapters with lessons of between 5 and 20 mins in length, this course will give you a high level overview of Oak.

The core elements of this course include...
  • Starting Out

    Understanding what Oak is and how to get logged in.

  • Navigation

    The key elements for finding your way around an Oak site.

  • Homepages

    The basics of Homepages, their relationship with site structure and permissions.

  • User Profile

    A quick look at the user profile within Oak and how to navigate the key features.

  • Content Creation

    A whistle stop tour of the basics around content creation within Oak.

  • Mobile App

    An overview of the mobile app and the pairing process.

Who is this the Oak Overview for?

  • Anyone who uses Oak and is interested in getting a high level understanding of the basic features and functionality

Course Overview

  • 1


    • Welcome to the course

    • How to interact with this course

    • Course objectives

  • 2


    • What is Oak?

    • Logging in

    • Navigation

    • Homepages and site structure

    • Security permisssions

    • Understanding the user profile

    • Creating content basics

    • Mobile app

  • 3

    Further learning

    • Key learning points

    • Knowledge check

    • Visit the Oak Knowledge Base

  • 4

    How did we do?

    • Before you go...

    • Help us improve by sharing your thoughts...