Mastering governance and permissions

Explore the wider importance of governance in securing the success of your Oak site.

This course is perfect for anyone who’s responsible for ensuring the right people are receiving the right messages through appropriate use of security permissions across your Oak site. We’ll look at the governance piece as a whole and take a look at the compliance centre within Oak; this functionality gives the ability to capture permission to retain user data in Oak in line with GDPR legislation.

Naturally we’ll cover how to assign permissions to your site structure and delve into file-based security.

Delivered in an online setting the topics are split into easy to digest chapters with lessons of between 5 and 20 mins in length. This course will give you a thorough understanding of how to maintain control over who can see what within your site and the overall role governance plays.

The core elements of this course include...
  • Area Security

    Controlling who can see what throughout your Digital Workplace.

  • File Based Secuirty

    Opening up the permissions on specific files you upload.

  • Compliance centre

    Capturing permission to hold user data in line with GDPR legislation.

  • Governance considerations

    Looking at the bigger picture of governance for your Oak Digital Workplace.

Who would find this course useful?

  • Area Security Managers who has responsibility for maintaining area security permissions

  • Administrators who has day to day responsibility for ensuring your Oak Digital Workplace operates efficiently

  • Area Stakeholders who has day to day responsibility for an area of your Oak Digital Workplace

  • Anyone who has day to day responsibility for ensuring user data is correct across all operating systems

Course Overview

  • 1


    • Welcome to the course

    • How to interact with this course

    • Course objectives

  • 2


    • The importance of governance

    • Internal champions

    • User data

    • Key learning points

    • Knowledge check: Governance

  • 3


    • Overview of the compliance centre

    • Setting up the compliance centre

    • Key learning points

    • Knowledge check: GDPR

  • 4

    Oak Security

    • Security overview

    • Setting security roles

    • File based security

    • Key learning points

    • Knowledge check: Security roles

  • 5

    Further learning

    • Visit the Oak Knowledge Base

  • 6

    How did we do?

    • Before you go...

    • Help us improve by sharing your thoughts...